Here it is.
in case you didn't KNOW
Printed in two bright colors, this brief, straight-to-thepoint information folder tells who, what, why and how of the ર Mattachine Society.
Copies of the folder are now available for mailing to your 'friends and associates. A nom inal price schedule has been set up for those who wish to order small quantities for distribution to discussion groups or mailing: 100 folders, postpaid, $1.50; 50 folders, $1.00; smaller quantities, 3 cents each. Send orders to: ·
Mattachine Society, Inc.
(Continued from page 20)
posed of arms, legs, a trunk and a head. Yet, there is a correlation and interdependence of these members. Without this, there is little meaning. The problems involved are, of course, Luch more complex than I can describe. I doubt if man will ever be ' able to truly understand and eval ua.e either himself, another individua', or mankind. This is always the constant challenge which has urged 11an on to greater feats.
If professional people, most particularly those in the medical profession, determine to undertake the task of meeting and solving this unknown-homosexuality and its many facets-this nation would literally experience a rebirth. One person is born every second of the day and night in the US. Of those that survive every 5th person may become homosexually inclined temporarily, and every 10th person permanently: There are few things which are termed problems which have greater incidence. And as long as we continue in this twilight of comparative inactivity it shall continue to be so. But, does it have to be? The homosexual is accused of attempting to create a homosexual society. Yet it
is the homosexual himself who cries out for help in controlling this continuous cycle by constructive means. Castigating homosexuals now living is sheer stupidity The solution of the problems of persons yet to be born who will become homosexual-who are maybe even destined to be homosexual-lies in preventive means.
This brings us to the problem the homosexual encounters in his home, with his family and those who are nearest and dearest to him. Love and companionship contribute much to our inner security and much
to our outward attitudes. They are essential to life and its adjustments. They are so important that individials feel forced to lie and lead double existences to keep them. These mose precious things so fleeting and elusive they seem at times. We $eem to be inadequate to their meaning and potential-and perhaps we perhaps
If the homosexual cannot receive love and compassion from those who have given him his existence, if he cannot share his innermost secrets with those whom he trusts the most, then where must he turn? The family who has taught him to come to them when needed-yes, the very family who may have contributed a great deal to his present state-this is the family that cannot face this common problem. Unwilling and inadequate to the task, they must turn their backs to avoid embarrassment. This truly a time of inner conflict for all concerned. Yet, what to do, what to do?
Fortunately, some families have faced the situation and do everything possible to understand. People who love for the joy they receive rathe: than hate that which life contains. Others, however, resign themselves only to hate. They must punish remove this stain. themselves to Tragic!
Yes, tragic indeed that the future mothers and fathers of this nation are destined to this same experience. Uneducated in homosexuality except as it may apply to the Rhesus monkey. It may be of unqualed pleasure to the monkey to know that such an interest is taken in him, but I think the human being might have some sexual existence, and study and understanding of this might be as appropriate.
Society has often spoken out to dontrol the "homosexual menace." Yet today it cannot recognize and 25